Our Ethos Team Members love getting out and giving back in their local communities. Check out these community projects we participated in this month, in addition to our June Ethos Cares Initiative, which raised over $9,000 for local LGBTQ+ organizations!
Ethos Philadelphia
Educating the Community on Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Program
Ethos Representatives attended the One Art Community Center’s BAPS (Big A** Pot Sale) in West Philly to inform attendees about the state’s medical program and provide resources and education to the canna-curious.
We also joined State Representative Danilo Burgos at his office for a Medical Marijuana Seminar, helping the community learn more about how cannabis can help them Feel Better.
Caring for Friends in the Community
All month long, our Ethos Philly collected donations for Broad Street Ministry’s Sock Drive to benefit homeless in the area. Ethos Philly also spent the month writing “caring notes” with positive messages to be included meals for seniors and families in need delivered by Caring For Friends.
Ethos Fitchburg
Cleaning Up Gateway Park
The Ethos Fitchburg team spent a Saturday afternoon cleaning up Gateway Park with fellow Fitchburg residents as part of the city’s Keep Fitchburg Beautiful initiative.